EMIS 2010

Media coverage

News stories on EMIS presents independent media written about EMIS and will be updated regularly. The latest links are shown on top of this list.  Scroll down for latest Publications for download. 


Gay Barcelona: Resultados de la 1ª encuesta Europea por internet para gays, bisexuales y otros HSH (Spanish)

Gay Health Network: The 2nd General Meeting of the EMIS was held in Berlin last February (English)

Terrence Higgins Trust: EMIS – The European MSM Internet Survey (English)

‘On The One Road’ issue 12 GHN Newsletter Ireland

Extract of All Ireland EMIS Report due April 2012

Swiss AIDS News 3/2013: Homophobia knows no borders (fr/it/de)

El peridoco 9/2014: Más allá de la mítica heroína

EMIS 2010


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Internet Surveys are available for download.


FAQs to Internet Surveys (PDF, 131 KB)

EMIS 2010 National reports 2010

EMIS-2010 National reports

EMIS national reports are provided by Associated and Collaborating Partners of EMIS. They are available in the language(s) of the country of the repective partners and are based on the data provided by respondents who lived in that country at the time of the survey (irrespective of the language they used to fill in the questionnaire).

No national report will be published for eight countries because of small sample sizes: Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, and Moldova. No national reports were planned for: The Netherlands, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. National Reports had been announced for Bulgaria, for Czechia and Slovakia, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Turkey, but were never published.

In the UK, local area data reports were made available March 2011, giving HIV prevention comissioners and planners access to detailed EMIS data about their local residents. EMIS summary reports for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.


EMIS-2010: Austria Emis-2010 National Report (2011)

EMIS-2010: Belgium Emis-2010 National Report (2015, in Dutch)

EMIS-2010: Belgium Emis-2010 National Report (2015, in French)

EMIS-2010: Denmark Emis-2010 National Report (2012)

EMIS-2010: Estonia Emis-2010 National Report (2012)

EMIS-2010: Germany Emis-2010 National Report (2011)

EMIS-2010: Ireland Emis-2010 National Report (#1 Our Community, 2012)

EMIS-2010: Ireland Emis-2010 National Report (#2, Living With HIV, 2012)

EMIS-2010: Ireland Emis-2010 National Report (#3, Our Sex Lives, 2013)

EMIS-2010: Latvia Emis-2010 National Report (2013)

EMIS-2010: Norway Emis-2010 National Report (2012)

EMIS-2010: Poland Emis-2010 National Report (#1, 2011)

EMIS-2010: Poland Emis-2010 National Report (#2, 2014)

EMIS-2010: Portugal Emis-2010 National Report (2015)

EMIS-2010: Russia Emis-2010 National Report (2011)

EMIS-2010: Spain Emis-2010 National Report (2013)

EMIS-2010: Sweden Emis-2010 National Report (2013)

EMIS-2010: Switzerland Emis-2010 National Report (2011, in French)

EMIS 2010 International reports 2010


A brief report on UNGASS indicators was published for World AIDS Day 2010 in English and Russian.


UNGASS indicators from EMIS data (2010). English

UNGASS indicators from EMIS data (2010). Russian

EMIS 2010 Published Articles

Published articles 2010

Journal articles

John Pachankis, Mark Hatzenbuehler, Ford Hickson, Rigmor C. Berg, Peter Weatherburn, Ulrich Marcus, Axel J. Schmidt (2015): Hidden from health: structural stigma, sexual orientation concealment, and HIV across 38 countries in the European MSM Internet Survey. AIDS 29(10): 1239-1246

Rigmor C. Berg, Peter Weatherburn, Michael W. Ross, Axel J. Schmidt, The EMIS Network (2015): The relationship of internalised homonegativity to sexual healthand well-being among MSM in 38 European countries. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health (published online 20 Apr 2015).

Ulrich Marcus, Ford Hickson, Peter Weatherburn, Martina Furegato, Michele Breveglieri, Rigmor C Berg, Axel J. Schmidt (2015): Antiretroviral Therapy and Reasons for Not Taking It among Men Having Sex with Men (MSM)—Results from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS). PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121047. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0121047 [in English]

Rigmor C. Berg, Axel J. Schmidt, Peter Weatherburn, The EMIS Network (2014): Transactional sex: Supply and demand among European men who have sex with men (MSM) in the context of local laws. International Journal of Sexual Health. Published online ahead of print 1 Dec 2014 (doi:10.1080/19317611.2014.982263) [in English]

Percy Fernández-Dávila, Cinta Folcha, Laia Ferrera, Raúl Sorianog, Mercedes Diezd, Jordi Casabona (2014). Hepatitis C virus infection and its relationship to certain sexual practices in men-who-have-sex-with-men in Spain: Results from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS). Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica; Available online first on 30 October 2014 [in English] (EMIS partners can access this article by logging-in).

Cinta Folch; Percy Fernández-Dávila; Laia Ferrera; Raúl Soriano; Mercedes Díez; Jordi Casabona (2014). Conductas sexuales de alto riesgo en hombres que tienen relacionessexuales con hombres según tipo de pareja sexualEnfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, Volume 32, Issue 6, June-July 2014, Pages 341-349, ISSN 0213-005X [in Spanish]

Todd Sekuler, Michael Bochow, Ursula von Rüden, Jürgen Töppich (2014). Are bisexually active men a ‘bridge’ for HIV transmission to the ‘general population’ in Germany? Data from the European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey (EMIS). Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. Published online ahead of print 14 July 2014 (doi: 10.1080/13691058.2014.932923) [in English].

Gabriele Prati, Michele Breveglieri, Raffaele Lelleri, Martina Furegato, Lorenzo Gios, Luca Pietrantoni (2013). Psychosocial correlates of HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Italy: a cross-sectional study. Int J STD AIDS, 25: 496-503 [in English].

Adam Bourne; Ford Hickson; David Reid; Gary Hammond; Axel J. Schmidt; Peter Weatherburn; The EMIS Network (2013). What constitutes the best sex for gay men and bisexual men? Implications for HIV prevention. BMC Public Health, 13:1083. [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Axel J. Schmidt & Ulrich Marcus (2013). Defizite in den Angeboten zur STI-Diagnostik für Männer mit gleichgeschlechtlichen Sexualkontakten in deutschsprachigen StädtenBundesgesundheitsblatt 56: 1609-1618. [in German]

Wim vanden Berghe; Christiana Nöstlinger, Harm Hospers; Marie Laga (2013). International mobility, sexual behaviour and HIV-related characteristics of men who have sex with men residing in Belgium. BMC Public Health, 13:968. [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Ulrich Marcus; Ford Hickson; Peter Weatherburn; Axel J. Schmidt; The EMIS Network (2013). Estimating the size of the MSM populations for 38 European countries by calculating the survey-surveillance discrepancies (SSD) between self-reported new HIV diagnoses from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS) and surveillance-reported HIV diagnoses among MSM in 2009. BMC Public Health, 13:919. [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Ulrich Marcus; Ford Hickson; Peter Weatherburn; Axel J. Schmidt; The EMIS Network (2013). Age biases in a large HIV and sexual behaviour-related internet survey among MSM. BMC Public Health, 13:826. [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

C Carvalho; R Fuertes; R Lucas; A Martins; M J Campos; L Mendão; A J Schmidt and H Barros (2013). HIV testing among Portuguese men who have sex with men – results from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS): HIV Medicine,14 (Suppl. 3): 15-18 [in English].

Percy Fernández-Dávila; Cinta Folch; Laia Ferrer; Raúl Soriano; Mercedes Diez and Jordi Casabona (2013). Who are the men who have sex with men in Spain that have never been tested for HIV? HIV Medicine,14 (Suppl. 3): 44–48. [in English].

Axel J. Schmidt; Ford Hickson; Peter Weatherburn; Ulrich Marcus, The EMIS Network (2013). Comparison of the performance of STI Screening Services for gay and bisexual men across 40 European cities: results from the European MSM Internet Survey. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 89(7):575-582. [in English]

Peter Weatherburn; Axel J. Schmidt; Ford Hickson; David Reid; Rigmor C. Berg; Harm J. Hospers; Ulrich Marcus; The EMIS Network (2013). The European Men-who-have-sex-with-men Internet Survey (EMIS): design and methods. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, Volume 10, Issue 4, 243-257, [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Rigmor C. Berg (2013). Predictors of never testing for HIV among a national online sample of men who have sex with men in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 41 (4): 398-404. [in English]

Michael W. Ross; Rigmor C. Berg; Axel J. Schmidt; Harm J. Hospers; Michele Breveglieri; Martina Furegato; Peter Weatherburn; The EMIS Network (2013). Internalised homonegativity predicts HIV-associated risk behavior in European men who have sex with men in a 38-country cross-sectional study: some public health implications of homophobia. BMJ Open 3:e001928. (doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001928). [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Rigmor C. Berg; Michael W. Ross; Peter Weatherburn; Axel J. Schmidt (2013). Structural and environmental factors are associated with internalised homonegativity in men who have sex with men: Findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) in 38 countriesSocial Science & Medicine, Volume 78, Pages 61–69. [in English]

Rigmor C. Berg (2012). High rates of unprotected sex and serosorting among men who have sex with men: A national online study in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 40(8): 738-745. [in English]

Ulrich Marcus; Ford Hickson; Peter Weatherburn; Axel J. Schmidt; The EMIS Network (2012). Prevalence of HIV among MSM in Europe: comparison of self-reported diagnoses from a large scale internet survey and existing national estimates. BMC Public Health, 12: 978. [OPEN ACCESS – in English].

Rolf Rosenbrock; Axel J. Schmidt (2012). AIDS. New challenges for social & medical prevention. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 55: 535-542. [in German]

Ales Lamut (2011). Ideas of the best sex life among Slovene MSM. Etnolog, 21: 77-100. [in Slovenian]

EMIS 2010 International reports 2010

European report 2010

The EMIS final report was written by the Associated Partners of EMIS between July and September 2011, and includes a chapter written by ECDC. It is called  “EMIS 2010: The European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey. Findings from 38 countries” (ISBN 978-92-9193-458-4). 

Please note that the pdf below has been updated (new version 1.5) on 20 March 2014. It is also available to download also on the ECDC website. Print copies (version 1.4) are avaiable free of charge via the EU Bookshop.

Suggested Citation:

The EMIS Network. EMIS 2010: The European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey. Findings from 38 countries. Stockholm: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2013“.

EMIS 2010: The European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey. Findings from 38 countries (version 1.5)

EMIS 2010 National reports 2010

EMIS-2010 UK local data reports from Gay Men’s Sex Survey

In 2010 the Gay Men’s Sex Survey was part of the pan-European EMIS survey. The following reports present key data from men living in specific areas of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They are supplementary to the main EMIS report which was published in March 2012.

GMSS: All Northern Ireland (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by NHS and Social Services Boards of residence)

GMSS: All Scotland (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by Health Boards of residence)

GMSS: All Wales (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by Health Boards of residence)

GMSS: All England (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by 10 Strategic Health Authorities of residence)

Strategic Health Authority reports for England

GMSS: East of England (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: East Midlands (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: London (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: North East (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: North West (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South Central (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South East Coast (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South West (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: West Midlands (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: Yorkshire & The Humber (EMIS) 2010 summary report