Network EMIS-2024

EMIS-2024 Acknowledgements: We thank all our partners for making sure that we are all part of something huge again!

The following list acknowledges all partners who been participating in EMIS-2024, by country. Individual names are mentioned if a freelancer is the main contact and/or translator or where input on the questionnaire development comes from a person not formally representing an organisation. The order is: main NGO partner, other NGO partners, academic partners, governmental partners, individuals.

Europe: Grindr for Equality (special thanks to Steph Niaupari), Grindr, ROMEO, Hornet, Aids Action Europe (AAE), European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM), South Eastern Europe Regional TB and HIV Community Network (SEE RCN).

AL: Albanian Association of PLWHA. AM: New Generation Humanitarian NGO; Mariam Muradyan. ATAids Hilfe Wien. AZ: Gender and Development. BA: Partnerships in Health. BE: Sensoa, Exaequo, Sciensano. BG: GLAS Foundation. CH: Swiss AIDS Federation, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. CY: AIDS Solidarity Movement, Christos Krasidis. CZČeská společnost AIDS pomoc. DEDeutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Robert Koch Institute, IWWIT. DK: Statens Serum Institut, Dr. Susan Cowan, Dr. Maria Wessmann. EE: Estonia National Institute for Health Development, Dr. Kristi Rüütel, Dr. Sigrid Vorobjov. ES: SEISIDA, STOPSIDA, CEEISCAT, Ministerio de Sanidad. FIPositiiviset ry. GE: Equality Movement. GR: Positive Voice. HR: Iskorak, Zoran Dominković. HU: Háttér Society. IE: EMIS-2024 Ireland Promotion Sub-Committee, Health Service Executive, Mick Quinlan. IL: Israel AIDS Task Force, Ministry of Health, Prof. Zohar Mor. IT: Fondazione LILA Milano ONLUS, University of Verona. KZ: Global Health Research Center of Central Asia (GHRCCA), Human Health Institute, Public Fund “Community Friends”. LT: Demetra, National Public Health Center. LV: AGIHAS. LU: Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale. MD: GENDERDOC-M Information Centre. ME: Cazas – Montenegrian Association against AIDS. MK: Stronger Together (Association for Support of People Living with HIV, Zaedno Posilni). MT: HIV Malta, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit. NL: SOAids, Maastricht University, RIVM; NO: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Dr. Rigmor C. Berg. PLFundacja Edukacji Społecznej. PT: GAT Portugal, Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto, Portuguese Directorate-General of Health. RO: ARAS, Tudor Kovacs. RS: TOC – Association for the Development of Sustainable Communities; Institute of Public Health of Serbia, Sladjana Baros. SE: RFSL, Folkhålsomyndigheten. SI: LEGEBITRA, ŠKUC. SK: Pride Kosice. TR: Sami Sarper Yazıcılaroğlu. UA: Alliance for Public Health, Alliance Global. XK: LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey. Other: Sigma Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

EMIS-2024 Funding: German Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, DE) / Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP, DE); European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC, EU); Swiss AIDS Federation, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (CH); Luxembourg Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale, LU); Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet, NO); The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten, SE); Sciensano (Institut Scientifique de Santé Publique, BE); Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs (Sotsiaalministeerium, EE); Health Service Executive (IE); Portuguese Directorate-General of Health (Direção-Geral da Saúde, PT); Spanish Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Sanidad, ES); Central Health Department, Israeli Ministry of Health (משרד הבריאות, IL); National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) / SOAids Nederland (NL).