News stories on EMIS presents independent media written about EMIS and will be updated regularly. The latest links are shown on top of this list. Scroll down for latest Publications for download.
- This is a great summary page of all aidsmap articles featuring EMIS.
Thanks, Gus and Roger!
- Living in a stigmatizing country increases HIV risk for MSM in Europe
- Most HIV-positive gay men in European survey are on HIV treatment, though fewer in the east
- Urgent need to improve sexually transmitted infection screening for MSM in Europe (English)
- Six in ten European gay men have had unprotected sex in the past year – more common with steady partners (English)
- Knowledge gaps, problems accessing services for MSM in several countries of eastern and south-eastern Europe (English)
- European gay men more likely to buy or sell sex if they have large numbers of sex partners, are lonely and use drugs (English)
- Sex while abroad contributing to ongoing HIV and STI epidemics in European gay men (English)
- Elevated prevalence of HIV and STIs among migrant gay men in Europe (English)
- The Gay Globe (English)
- PBKNEWS ( ПБК: В среде геев эпидемия ВИЧ (Russian)
- Vairāk nekā puse homoseksuālu vīriešu saskārušies ar vardarbību (Latvian)
- Latvijā pastāv koncentrēta HIV epidēmija homoseksuālu cilvēku vidū (Latvian)
- Исследование: латвийские гомосексуалисты охвачены эпидемией ВИЧ (Russian)
- Pētījums: Latvijā pastāv koncentrēta HIV epidēmija homoseksuālu cilvēku vidū (Latvian)
- Sexual Happiness (Teil 1): Französisch? Zypriotisch? Schwuler Sex in Europa (German)
- The first part of Ireland report will be published on 15th December (English)
- HIV prevalence in gay men is catching up in eastern Europe, survey finds (English)
- Among European gay men, rates of unsafe sex rise the further East you go (English)
- MSM living in hostile social environments more likely to have negative feelings about sexuality, less likely to test for HIV (English)
- Es besteht Handlungsbedarf. Wir brauchen in Deutschland Anlaufstellen, wo sich schwule Männer unkompliziert, kostenlos und anonym auf sexuell übertragbare Infektionen testen lassen können (German)
- UXXS Magazine: Conclusiones EMIS (Spanish)
- Manhuntcares: Blow jobs the most popular! (English)
- Arc-en-Ciel Wallonie: Parlons sexe, parlons bien! (French)
- ondamaris: anale Untersuchungen häufig Mangelware (German)
- aidsmap:com: Wide variation in quality of sexual health screening across Europe; countries with specialised clinics do better. (English)
- Absage an die Bareback-Propheten (German)
- Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA: Relatório Comunitário EMIS (Portuguese)
- LUI: V roce 2009 získali Češi spolu s Maďary stříbrnou medaili Czech
- 14th CHAPS Conference in Manchester, 9-10 March 2011 (English)
- Safe Pulse of Youth: The First Results of EMIS Research Published (Serbian/English)
- MOSinforma: Ricerca Emis: omosessuali italiani poco visibili. In aumento l’HIV (Italian)
- narobe: Razkriti so bolj zadovoljni (in zadovoljeni?) (Slovenian)
- mladina tednik: Top flop: Moški z moškimi (Slovenian)
- ILGA-Portugal: The European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) – 1º Relatório Comunitário (Portuguese)
- MOSinforma: Ricerca Emis: omosessuali italiani poco visibili. In aumento l’HIV (Italian)
- queerblog: Ricerca Emis: i gay italiani sono in maggioranza “velate” (Italian)
- PortugalGay: PORTUGAL: Gays vivem felizes, mas no armário (Portuguese)
- Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe: Großer Erfolg: Erste Ergebnisse der EMIS-Befragung veröffentlicht (German)
- Ovelha Tresmalhada: Relatório Preliminar Comunitário do EMIS (Portuguese)
- Limburgs Aktiecentrum Homofilie vzw: Update – Resultaten van de seks- en HIV-enquête (Dutch)
- Anders Des Te Beter: Resultaten van de seks- en HIV-enquête (Dutch)
- dezanove: Maioria dos gays portugueses continua “dentro do armário” (Portuguese)
- Apvienība HIV: Latvijas Infektoloģijas centrs: Noslēgusies Eiropas aptauja vīriešiem, kam ir sekss ar vīriešiem (Latvian)
- Delfi: Noslēgusies Eiropas aptauja vīriešiem, kam ir sekss ar vīriešiem (Latvian)
- apollo: Pirmie Eiropas homoseksuālu vīriešu aptaujas rezultāti (Latvian)
- LukLife: Já jsem TVŮJ, ty jsi MŮJ (Czech)
- Zúčastněte se největší internetové studie o chování gayů (Czech)
- Wel jong Niet Hetero: Doe mee aan EU-onderzoek naar seksleven homo’s (Dutch)
- Men-4-men: Sexual Health Outreach Project (English)
- Colour Planet: Výzkum sexuálního chování gayů (Czech)
- GaTe: EMIS (Czech)
- PinkMap: EMIS Umfrage bricht alle Rekorde (German)
- Ansturm auf die Sexumfrage (German)
- iWWiT: Auf die Größe kommt es an! (German)
- ondamaris: Auf die Grösse kommt es an! – Befragung EMIS gestartet (German)
- Terrence Higgins Trust: European Man-for-Man Internet Sex Survey 2010 (English)
- PinkMap: Große Umfrage zu schwulen Lebensumständen (German)
- Europaweit einheitlicher Fragebogen yur HIV-Prävention geplant (German)
- ondamaris: EMIS – europaweite Befragung von Männern, die Sex mit Männern haben (German)
Gay Health Network: The 2nd General Meeting of the EMIS was held in Berlin last February (English)
Terrence Higgins Trust: EMIS – The European MSM Internet Survey (English)
‘On The One Road’ issue 12 GHN Newsletter Ireland
Extract of All Ireland EMIS Report due April 2012
Swiss AIDS News 3/2013: Homophobia knows no borders (fr/it/de)