EMIS 2010

Media coverage

News stories on EMIS presents independent media written about EMIS and will be updated regularly. The latest links are shown on top of this list.  Scroll down for latest Publications for download. 


Gay Barcelona: Resultados de la 1ª encuesta Europea por internet para gays, bisexuales y otros HSH (Spanish)

Gay Health Network: The 2nd General Meeting of the EMIS was held in Berlin last February (English)

Terrence Higgins Trust: EMIS – The European MSM Internet Survey (English)

‘On The One Road’ issue 12 GHN Newsletter Ireland

Extract of All Ireland EMIS Report due April 2012

Swiss AIDS News 3/2013: Homophobia knows no borders (fr/it/de)

El peridoco 9/2014: Más allá de la mítica heroína