EMIS 2010 National reports 2010

EMIS-2010 UK local data reports from Gay Men’s Sex Survey

In 2010 the Gay Men’s Sex Survey was part of the pan-European EMIS survey. The following reports present key data from men living in specific areas of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They are supplementary to the main EMIS report which was published in March 2012.

GMSS: All Northern Ireland (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by NHS and Social Services Boards of residence)

GMSS: All Scotland (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by Health Boards of residence)

GMSS: All Wales (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by Health Boards of residence)

GMSS: All England (EMIS) 2010 summary report
(by 10 Strategic Health Authorities of residence)

Strategic Health Authority reports for England

GMSS: East of England (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: East Midlands (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: London (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: North East (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: North West (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South Central (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South East Coast (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: South West (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: West Midlands (EMIS) 2010 summary report

GMSS: Yorkshire & The Humber (EMIS) 2010 summary report