EMIS 2010

EMIS-2010 Conferences


This section provides links to talks and posters presented at scientific conferences.

Marcus U: Rational strategies for HIV-testing. 5th German-Austrian AIDS Conf.(DÖAK) Hannover 2011. MedReport 15:2 (German)

Schmidt AJ: STI test site performance across Europe. 5th German-Austrian AIDS Conf.(DÖAK) Hannover 2011. MedReport 15:7 (German)

Fernández-Dávila P et al.: Knowledge, Testing & Access to HIV/STI Services Among MSM, Spain. Tallin 2011 (English)

Diez M et al.: Late HIV Diagnosis in Spain. Tallin 2011 (English)

Fernández-Dávila P et al.: Circuncisión en HSH en España. XIV Congr Nat sobre el SIDA, Zargoza 2011 (Spanish)

Diez M et al.: Infección por el VIH y conductas de riesgo en HSH en España. Zaragoza 2011 (Spanish)

Breveglieri M et al.: Indicators on HIV Testing & Prevention among MSM in Italy. ICAR, Florence 2011 (English)

Schmidt AJ et al.: Harmonizing surveillance & prevention research: The EMIS. XVIII IAS, Vienna 2011 (English)

Fernández-Dávila P et al.: High prevalence of risk behaviour among HIV-positive MSM in Spain. SEE‐SESPAS, Madrid 2011 (Spanish)

Naseva E et al.: Bulgarian MSM – sexual behaviour. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Naseva E et al.: Bulgarian MSM – HIV testing, knowledge, coverage with prevention activities. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Fernández-Dávila P et al.: Migrant MSM: an exploration of sexual risk in Europe. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Soriano R: Sexual behaviour and risk among Latino MSM in Spain. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Hickson F: Towards better sex with less harm for gay and bisexual men in Europe. Keynot speech at FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Lamut A et al.: Best sex life idea among Slovenian MSM. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Mozalevskis A et al.: Factors Associated With Higher Risk Sexual Behaviour among MSM in Latvia. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Roos E et al: EMIS and Schorer Monitor 2010: Similar surveys with different results: how to interpret? FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Fuertes R et al: Substance use among Portuguese MSM. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Carvalho C et al: Description of Portuguese EMIS participants. FEMP, Stockholm 2011

Bourne A: What constitutes the best sex life for gay and bisexual men? 15th CHAPS Conference, Bristol 2012 (English)

Lociciro S et al.: Influence du ‘Swiss Statement’ sur les comportements préventifs. 6ème Conférence Francophone VIH, Genève 2012

Carvalho et al.: HIV-testing among MSM in Portugal, Copenhagen (English) 2012

Marcus U et al.: Differences in association between HIV testing and risk taking among MSM across Europe. IAC Washington 2012

Schmidt AJ et al.: Advancing Methods in Internet-based HIV Prevention Gay Community Research Projects. IAC Washington 2012

Schmidt AJ et al.: Deficits in Targeted STI-Testing For Gay & Bisexual Men in 34 major European cities. IAC Washington 2012

Fernández-Dávila P et al.: Mobile MSM in Europe: Exploration Of Sexual Risk Taking While Traveling Abroad. IAC Washington 2012

Mozalevskis A et al.: Behaviorally bisexual men – an underestimated bridge population in Latvia. IAC Washington 2012